Solid Gold Baby ✨
Why choose a solid gold piece of jewelry over gold plated you ask? Let me sum it up real quick for ya.
There are several benefits to buying solid gold jewelry over gold-plated jewelry..
First, solid gold is a more valuable and durable material. It will not tarnish or wear away as quickly as gold-plated jewelry, and will retain its value over time.
Second, solid gold is hypoallergenic, making it a good choice for people with sensitive skin. I know from experience that I can't wear costume pieces because they always make my skin itch!
Third, solid gold jewelry can be resized or remodeled if needed, unlike gold-plated jewelry, which can't be altered without compromising the plating.
Lastly, a solid gold piece of jewelry will last you your entire lifetime if treated "like gold". You'll be able to pass it down, unlike your gold plated discolored paperclip chain that we all know you should just throw out (I have one sitting in my drawer, too). In the coming years we should all strive for a more sustainable lifestyle, which includes purchasing quality products that won't need replacing every few weeks.
Browse our site now to find your next solid gold jewelry staple.
Stay Golden ✨
Marena Haley G.G. GIA